Energy Efficiency

Small changes can make a big difference. Here’s where to start:

  • Unplug appliances, electronic devices and other items when not in use. Turned off appliances are still connected to electricity when they are plugged in.
  • On warm days, keep shades and curtains closed to block the sun and help keep your home cooler. On colder days, keep them open to let natural light heat your home. Close them at night to retain the day’s heat. Keep in mind that fans cool you, not the room, and should be turned off when you leave.
  • When the weather is cold, switch your ceiling fans to turn clockwise to push warm air from the ceiling to the floor. During the summer, ceiling fans should turn counter-clockwise.
  • Change your air filters regularly to lower heating and cooling costs, improve indoor air quality and extend equipment life.
  • Have your heating and cooling units serviced annually by a professional technician.

Check out the blocks below for more detailed information. 

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